Thursday, October 31, 2019

Phoenix Johnson and the Worn Path Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phoenix Johnson and the Worn Path - Essay Example The character is able to become symbolic of the meaning of the overall story and what it means to change the worn path into something new as a transition. The first aspect of the character that is recognized as a part of the worn path is the name. Phoenix is a symbolic meaning of a bird that dies then rises through the ashes. In the story, Phoenix is seen as walking the same path continuously, always which is done for the illness of her grandson. This is combined with the routines and expectations that she has as well as the reoccurring events that everyone recognizes about the character. The idea of the phoenix then remains present in the story as the worn out path of the character continues until it dies. When Phoenix falls into a ditch, there is recognition of the character dying to the old and worn out path, which then leads to rising to the new. The presentation of the character as a bird that is not going to walk down the same path again then becomes a central part of the recog nition of the struggle that the character goes through as well as the problems which are associated with making a transition out of the old and into the new. The name of Phoenix which holds the symbolic meaning with the character is followed by the actions which are taken and the expectations that the character has. The worn path that Phoenix walks down is also symbolic of the mentality of the character and the difficulties which she continuously encounters throughout her life. The never – ending struggle of the character and the ability to overcome this is one of the highlighted aspects of the character. For instance, when walking the worn path, Phoenix states that the journey makes it â€Å"seems like there is chains on my feet, time I get this far† (Welty, 143). The statement is one that is not only based on the difficulty of the path but is representative of the path that Phoenix continues to travel and rise through each time that something occurs. The characteriza tion of Phoenix then becomes associated with the struggle that she continues to go through and the ability to overcome the difficulties which she has faced. The recognition of the character that has the chains on the path and which continues to struggle is not only based on the one struggles of the character. Phoenix is an African – American that lives in the south and which has lived through the Civil Rights movement and the changes toward blacks and whites in the nation. The representation of the character then moves into a deeper aspect not only of one character that has walked the worn path. It also relates to the struggles of those living in the South at the time and the continuous need to have bravery, the ability to overcome and to chase things away if they appeared as a threat. For instance, when Phoenix meets a hunter, he holds a gun to her to shoot. The response is not one out of fear. â€Å" ‘Doesn’t that gun scare you?’ he said, pointing it at her. ‘No, Sir, I seen plenty go off closer by, in my day† (146). This phrase and several others show the courage and the understanding of the meaning of the character as the worn path. The character is one that has seen guns, struggle and other difficulties based on the social order of the time. The development of the character is then to show how these struggles have allowed the character to overcome.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The purpose of this study is to investigate correlation between Research Paper

The purpose of this study is to investigate correlation between adolescents that watch television more than 4 to 5 hours per day - Research Paper Example Apparently, the California Department of Public Health found that out of every nine children, one is obese (Hennesy-Fiske, 2011; Lee, 2006). In fact, other authors even pointed out the fact that obesity amongst children is more prevalent in California than anywhere else in the United States (Henessy-Fiske, 2011). The following are the main causes of sedentary lifestyle in the said state: (1) having a sedentary lifestyle which is characterized by lack of exercise and excessive computer use for non-academic matters; (2) popularity of fast-food options and the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables; and finally, (3) excessive consumption of calories. In studying obesity (cite) in the State of California, it was noted that obesity is higher in low income areas suggesting that the African American as well as the Hispanic population are more exposed to this problem than the others (News Information Bureau, 2005). Recognizing the seriousness of the problems related to obesity, authors (cite) su ggest the following measures to be able to address the said matter at hand: (1) the promotion of active lifestyle; and (2) cutting down the intake of calories by fifty percent. Research Aims The purpose of this study is to investigate correlation between adolescents, aged 13-17 who watch television more than four to five hours per day and childhood obesity in Southern California. Research Objectives In particular, the following objectives are pursued: 1) To have a baseline assessment of the extent to which 13-17 years olds in California practice sedentary lifestyle habits; 2) To ascertain the prevalence of obesity among this age group in California; 3) To determine if a child’s family environment is associated with childhood obesity. 4) To establish if there is a significant correlation between sedentary lifestyle habits and obesity in this age group; 5) To recommend interventions that may lessen the prevalence of obesity among them. Literature Review This portion of the prop osal presents pertinent literature which the researcher considers paramount in establishing the conceptual, theoretical and empirical underpinnings of this study. Parenthetically, the researcher deems the literature review of paramount importance to provide the answers to the questions enumerated in the preceding chapter. Without a doubt, obesity is one of the most common problems experienced in the United States of America. The prevalence of this problem has been brought about by the preponderance of sedentary lifestyle as well as too much consumption of fast food. Nevertheless, it has been argued that aside from the above mentioned, obesity is also caused by the environment wherein a child lives in. In this regard, once again, this chapter focuses on the above mentioned topics in order to gain a better understanding of the topic at hand. Correlation between Sedentary Lifestyle and Childhood Obesity This section of the literature review has then been devoted to the discussion of st udies, journals and articles earlier published that look into the correlation between sedentary lifestyle and childhood obesity. These suggest that having a sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes of childhood obesity. Evidently, complexities arising from modernity have resulted in the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles. In fact, homes and work sites are designed in such a way that does not really promote physical movement. Thus, engaging in a sedentary lifes

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Happiness in Love Relationships

Happiness in Love Relationships Introduction Happiness refers to the state of being contented, satisfied, joyful, delighted, well-being and being in good spirits (Martin 3). Considerable support has been found that people need some form of close relationship, coupled with a network of other relationships, to be happy and avoid loneliness. A close relationship allows for a certain level of self-disclosure, or willingness to share ones feelings or personal issues. Without relationships, people would feel lonely in the other friendships, as there is a tendency to focus on impersonal talk (Jackson, Soderlind, Weiss 469). According to Ruesch et al., maintaining low marital distress and a real close social network play a crucial role in one`s happiness and life satisfaction (690). However, happiness is not just gained from the social support but from providing it as well. People tend to lose a sense of meaning of their lives when they are isolated socially. Loneliness creates a degree of depression in people. This research looks at happiness in relationships between couples, and the different factors that affect the happiness of dating or married people. Are People Happier in Long-term Relationships? There are expectations and underpinnings that if one has a steady partner or gets married, then they are automatically granted happiness. The notion of â€Å"living happily ever after† only exists in fairy tales as most romantic relationships have sad endings. For such unions, individuals will be happier if they find the right partner at the right time in their lives. Happiness comes from an underlying reason for the personal outlook on life, meaning that happiness comes more from an internal feeling (Martin 9). According a study carried out by the Michigan State University, marriage makes people happier. Happiness, in the study, was measured by survey responses and every respondent considered happiness in their terms, in terms of individual satisfaction with one`s life. This study looked at the married and cohabiting couples. The study found that people are happier married than they would have been if they chose to stay single, as marriage protects them from age-related decli nes in happiness (Burton). The study of over 30,000 people used a control group for comparison. The control group consisted of a sample of people who stayed single throughout the study and were similar to the married people in terms of their education, gender, age, and income. It is, however, incorrect to say all single people encounter a decline in happiness levels with time though the control group showed a decline in happiness levels. Even in marriage, there is a prime time for the happiness, which revealed an increase in the first year of marriage, but it gradually tapers off. After which, the happiness levels go back to their baselines before marriage though they are better off than if those people had not got married (Burton). What makes this study more significant than the previous ones, is that while previously research checked on marriage causing long-term gains in happiness, this study added a control group to compare the happiness levels of the different groups. This study examined people ten years prior and after marriage, unlike other studies that use already married people without considering their happiness levels before marriage. The study also had a vast number of participants compared to previous studies. What comes out clearly is that marriage plays a role in people`s happiness in the long-run in comparison to people who stay single. It is difficult to take these studies at face value as there are other variables that could contribute to one`s individual sense of happiness, such as a resilient nature that is separate from their personal relationship and positive outlook on life. If one is enjoying being single, then marriage is not the way to move forward. What came out clearly is that marriage only has a temporary effect on one`s happiness as people generally tend to adapt to their circumstances. Getting married does not solve one`s quest to be happy. Healthy relationships provide feelings of fulfillment and happiness, but if one is not happy within themselves, then the allure of marriage will not change that. Attributes of Happiness in Marriage Sexual Orientation A study revealed that the non-heterosexual respondents were happier and more positive in relationships with their partners. They have higher scores in relationship quality in three measures; relationship maintenance, relationship with a partner, and happiness with the relationship or the partner. However, there is no significant difference between the heterosexual and non-heterosexual respondents when it comes to happiness in life (Blanchflower Andrew 410). Heterosexual partners are less happy as they are less likely to make time for each other, communicate well, or pursue similar interests. Parenting Status A study revealed that childless couples of all ages in long-term relationships, married or cohabiting, are happiest. Heterosexual couples with children score lowest in happiness, followed by non-heterosexual parents, then heterosexual couples without children. Non-heterosexual participants without children score highest on happiness (Gabb et al. 23). In all these circumstances, mothers come out as the most negative on relationship quality, relationship maintenance, and relationship with a partner than childless women, yet they are the happiest with life than any other group. Age Younger and older men are happier than the men in the middle are, when placed in the following categories; up to 34 years, between 35 to 55 years, and above 55 years. For women, however, the youngest group scored highest in relationship quality and relationship with a partner while the oldest ca tegory scored the highest in happiness in life (Gabb et al. 27). This is because for the older women marriage encourages healthy behavior, increased material well-being through pooling resources together, and spouse support and care during sickness. Money Those who clearly outline each other`s role in the relationship and agree to share household chores are happier in their relationship according to a study carried out by Gabb and others. 14 percent of mothers have been found to contribute to financial support while 50 percent of the men contribute financially (Gabb et al. 28). This is due to the fact that it is harder for women to combine household duties of taking care of children with income-generating activities. Most spouses agree financial resources are not equitably distributed, but they share that they both tend not to argue about that. Money is an issue but not one of the primary ones. Sexual Intimacy Research shows that an increase in sexual activity from monthly to weekly increases happiness in couples. Many men and about 42 percent of women are unhappy with their sex lives due to lack of it. Sexual activities are measured in terms of health concerns and general sexual satisfaction. Couples satisfied with their sex lives are happier (Gabb et al. 30).However sexual results have to be treated with caution as women downplay their sexual activities in sexual surveys while men tend to `big up` their conquests. Sex is an important part of relationships. Mothers felt their partners wanted more sex while the fathers felt their partners wanted less sex (31). This means that previously there is a high correlation between relationship happiness and sexual frequency, but after childbirth, that changes. Mothers and fathers understand sexual fluctuations in sexual activity and desire as part of parenthood, but it does not per se lead to relationship satisfaction. Both mothers and childless women agreed that their men wanted more sex, but for childless women it is less marked (31). Stressors There are certain changes in a relationship that increase the chances of separation due to reduced happiness. These can be childbirth, a new job, bereavement, moving house, job loss, among others. Relationship happiness positively correlates with the addition or the increase in stressors. The number of stressors correlates positively with relationship satisfaction but correlates negatively to general happiness with life. Education There is a link between college education and the risk of divorce, which reveals that college –educated people with degrees are less likely to divorce that the less educated counterparts (Ruesch et al 692). Intelligence and a good education are an attractive trait to suitable partners. The more educated respondents did not have significant differences in the quality of relationship as those with lower educational qualifications; howev er, they are happier in life (Gabb et al. 18). Religion and Previous Long-term Relationships There is no significant difference in levels of relationship quality between those couples who listed a particular religion and those who listed `no religion`. However, those couples who identified a religion are happier in life than those who did not. Respondents who had previously been in long-term relationships scored higher in relationship maintenance than those who had not been in a long-term relationship (Gabb et al. 20). Conclusion Above are the major variables to happiness in relationships between couples, married or cohabiting. Given that a high number of romantic relationships fail at different points of its development, it is important for people intending to commit themselves in long-term relationships to find the right partner. Happiness can only be achieved when people commit themseilves in relationships for the right reasons. Works Cited Blanchflower, David G., and Andrew J. Oswald. Money, sex and happiness: An empirical study.The Scandinavian Journal of Economics106.3 (2004): 393-415. Web. 19 April 2015 Burton, Natasha. â€Å"Marriage And Happiness: Does Marriage Make People Happier?† Huffington Post. 2 June. 2012. Web. 19 April 2015. Gabb, Jacqui, et al. Enduring love? Couple relationships in the 21st century.Survey Findings Report. Milton Keynes: The Open University. Retrieved January1 (2013): 2014. Web. 18 April 2015 Jackson, Todd, Adam Soderlind, and Karen E. Weiss. Personality traits and quality of relationships as predictors of future loneliness among American college students.Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal28.5 (2000): 463-470. Web. 17 April 2015 Martin, Mike W.Happiness and the good life. Oxford University Press, 2012. Print Rà ¼esch, P., et al. Occupation, social support and quality of life in persons with schizophrenic or affective disorders.Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology39.9 (2004): 686-694. Web. 19 April 2015

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Hamlet Essays: Hamlet the Anti-Hero :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Hamlet the Anti-Hero Hamlet certainly isn't a hero in this play. He exhibits many of his weaknesses that contradict other characters in the play. A hero is a person who shows great courage through his actions and one who is noble and self-sacrificing. He does exhibit courage in parts like when the ghost came and Hamlet followed it, but yet he certainly isn't self-sacrificing. He sacrifices other characters lives to benefit his chance of getting revenge with Claudius. I thought Hamlet was a selfish, self centered, weak and crazy person. How can you call a person a hero after killing friends and family in order to get what one wants? Hamlet can be a very smart and noble person but in parts of the play he exhibited actions that are completely opposite of the person he can be. He acted with a sense of madness that made me think he was actually going mad. He acted obnoxious and annoying to other characters in the play. Here is a scene where Hamlet is talking to Polonius and they get into a little argument over what figure a cloud forms. Polonius: "My lord, the Queen would speak with you and presently." Hamlet: "Do you see yonder cloud that is almost in the shape of a camel?" Polonius: "By th' Mass, and 'tis like a camel indeed." Hamlet: "Me thinks its like a weasel." Polonius: "It is backed like a weasel." Hamlet: "Or like a whale." Polonius: "Very like a whale." (page 161, Act 3, Scene 2, lines: 404-412) I thought Hamlet demonstrated his madness greatly here because it seemed like Polonius knew he was mad and just played along. Polonius didn't want Hamlet to get annoyed because Polonius disagreed with him. If Polonius didn't have any idea that Hamlet was going mad he probably would have said something about what Hamlet was talking about and would have asked him why he was acting like he was. Polonius also would have done something to change the way he had been acting or help him out. Hamlet showed many of his weaknesses in this play. He exhibited some of his weaknesses in the choices he makes and the actions he does. He acts before he thinks, in other words he makes a move before he sits and thinks about it. Like the scene when Hamlet killed Polonius.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

East Asia Essay

China is considered one of the largest countries in term of land area. This fact causes China to be the most populated nation in the world with over 1. 29 billion of people. Chinese is know for its great civilization and in fact had led the world in the development and progress of the society and economy quite a short time. The Chinese people had also experienced afflictions and sufferings from foreign assaults and chaos within China for a century before the People’s Republic was founded. After the chaos, China had started the national reconstruction and made remarkable development in the first twenty years of economical and social reform. For decades, Chinese was dreaming of Modernization and eventually this dream will suddenly be materialized with the help of Deng Xiaoping who serve as the architect of China’s reform. A three-step strategy was established which includes the doubling of GDP of 1980, quadrupling the GDP by the end of 20th century and finally the realization of modernization for another 30 to 50 years. Since the implementation of the strategic plan, China got a rapid progress. From 1978 to 1998, the rate of economic growth of China averaged to 9. 7 %. Gradually, China has gained its power to become the next super power. In fact, during 2000, China’s GDP leveled up by 8 % which is amazingly exceeded $ 1 trillion US and became a record in the history. The first objective in the modernization plan was achieved in 1987. It was three years ahead of time. In 1995, the second objective was reached which is 5 years earlier. China really made a great leap in terms of economic status. The GDP of China in 1998 is 6. 38 times during 1980. China has continuously moving in the top. According to World Bank, China ranked 6 in with respect to economical level and the trend says that it is expected to be in the 4th place before 2006 ends. In addition to this, China’s annual steel output has increased 700 times in the period of 50 years only which places China in the top when it comes to steel production. China also leads the coal, cement, and cotton and television industry. China’s modernization and great leap have a great significance and contribution not only in China but also in the world. China’s progress is a great help in maintaining global stability. Imagine if China is poverty-stricken and disordered then it would likely to be a disaster to the world. A progressive nation just like China provides a largest market in the world. Also, Chinese people love peace and China has proven how they campaign for world peace. As a permanent member of the United Nations, China is always exhibit fairness, stands for rules and laws and strongly against aggression and dominion. If China became Super Power then it will be big help in promoting world peace and stability. China has reached this kind of development through hard works and discipline. Hopefully this must serve as a good example for other nations which are suffering from economic failure and instability. Once a poor country just like China bounces back and suddenly made it great leap in the world. It seemed that those countries in East Asia have become our leaders. Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China all belong to East Asia are very progressive countries. Just like China, they once experienced chaos but eventually recoiled from this fall and stood firmly to prove that they can rule the world. China, although experienced a defeat and failure in the past, did not stop to pursue their dream; to become economically and socially stable and progressive. With the correct attitude and perception in life, China has gradually reaching their goal. Yes, China is now on the road of becoming the Super Power and we all hope that this would bring prosperity to other nations in the world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reverse Sexual Harassment

Reverse Sexual HarassmentFebruary 28, 2012AbstractIn what is perceived to still be a male-dominated society, one of the most ambiguous topics to broach is that of reverse sexual harassment. Reverse sexual harassment refers to the sexual harassment of a male by a female. While it is not perceived as the norm, there are several instances of this occurring annually. It is generally supposed the actual number is greatly underreported due to the nature of the offence. Both sexual and reverse sexual harassment are forms of discrimination. These acts of discrimination are against federal and state law. An individual who is the subject of reverse sexual harassment in the workplace can register a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). They can file the complaint under the sexual harassment section of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In 2004, 15% of all sexual harassment charges received by the EEOC were filed by men (Anderson and Trimings 2006:2). The rubric of reverse sexual harassment may be regarded as a facetious incident between a female superior or female co-worker against her male counter-part; however; this is still an act of discrimination which warrants reporting of this incident to management. Before filing a complaint or contacting a lawyer, make sure there is documented evidence compiled on the inappropriate actions of the individual. In the event that the sexual harassment complaint advances to the judicial process, this will support the chances of prevailing in court and with the EEOC.Introduction EmploymentLaw is the legal specialty that regulates the operation of the labor market, in general, and the employment relationship between employers and employees in particular. Examples include the hiring process, suspension from work, maternity rights, layoff, wages and overtime pay, defamation, breach of employment contract, retaliation, freedom of speech in the workplace, military re-hires, unemployment compensatio n, and discrimination. Employment law is governed by numerous laws, regulations and ordinances at he Federal, State and sometimes, the local ordinance level. In a Nut Shell, there are numerous Federal Laws which are generally tailored to protect societal interests such as the Anti-Discrimination provisions embodied in Title VII. Generally speaking, Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on sex, gender, race, ethnic background, religion and retaliation. In the realm of Employment Law, sexual discrimination is one of the most prevalent topics in today’s society. There are various types of sexual discrimination. When the lay person is asked which type of sexual discrimination is documented the most in the business world, to coin a phrase from the game show Family Feud â€Å"Survey says†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , that discrimination towards women in business is the number one answer. To further divvy down to a specific discrimination, would be that of male-on-female sexual harassment in the workplace. This specific discrimination is one of the most widely known and reported cases in a place of business. Albeit, this type of discrimination continues to be a difficult case to prove within what many would consider still a male-dominated business world. However, this exposition of sex discrimination in the workplace will prove that the most challenging discrimination case to prove is that of woman-on-male sexual harassment. Methodology A qualitative evaluation shall be utilized for this research paper leveraging subjective methods such as actual case studies and various scholarly observations to collect substantive and relevant data. The review consists of actual cases filed with the EEOC involving female-on-male sexual harassment cases and multiple interpretations of male sexual harassment cases from legal professionals, business professionals, and academic scholars. Such a qualitative approach is valuable here due to the uncommonness of this type of sex discrimination within contemporary professional situations. Upon collecting the qualitative data derived from said case studies and various scholarly observations, careful analysis shall be done to prepare a valid insight into reverse sexual discrimination rulings and the reporting of these cases at the workplace. Recent research on current workplace cultural and the rise of women in hierarchy positions within companies has yielded validity in the argument of female-on-male sexual harassment in the office. Yet, there are seldom, if any, cases reported to the EEOC by men for sexual harassment. The argument of a cultural base depicting the male role as that of a dominant one; which, leads many to believe that any approach by a woman towards her male co-worker or male subordinate, may be warranted by her male counter-part. Conversely, the governing act of Title VII enforces the rights of men, the same as women, in reporting any wrong-doing within the office. The methodology of this paper will help to substantiate the legitimacy of male sexual harassment in the workplace by a female superior or female co-worker and how employers should implement preventive strategies to minimize risks of sexual harassment in the workplace as well as avoiding costly and timely litigation. There are several different kinds of sexual harassment which will also be conversed within this paper. The methodology is derived from intellectual journals, book excerpts, articles, and on-line resources. Review of the Literature When an offer for employment is made by an employer to an employee, the law governing the relationship between an employee and an employer begins. In terms of employee complaints against other employees and/or management, the employer should implement a form of risk management. This risk management process will adhere to rules and policies set in place by the employer to manage complaints such as sexual harassment. However, the reality for most companies is how much respect is given to reports of woman-on-male sexual harassment by a co-worker or superior. Eve Tahmincioglu (2007) expresses the reality of how male sexual harassment in the workplace may be overlooked in the article, â€Å"Male Sexual Harassment is not a joke. † The author indicates, â€Å"But for quite a few men, sexual harassment is indeed becoming a serious issue, and some men are deciding not to just brush aside the unwelcome advances from women. (2007). Tahmincioglu interviewed a human resources expert, Roberta Chinsky Matuson, who disclosed insight from the human resources’ perspective, â€Å"Many people mistakenly believe that harassment is limited to females,† Roberta Chinsky Matuson added, â€Å"The truth is that this type of experience is just as damaging to men† (Tahmincioglu, 2007). David Grinberg, a spokesman for the EEOC, states â€Å"sexual harassment filings by men have consistently inc reased, doubling over 15 years† (Tahmincioglu, 2007). The vast majority of the EEOC’s sexual harassment suits are filed by women; however, male filings are becoming â€Å"a bigger piece of the pie, with nearly 2000 filing charges last year (2006),† as reported by Tahmincioglu (2007). Unfortunately, the cases which reach the EEOC do not represent the actual number of male sexual harassment filings which may go unreported due to fear of being â€Å"mocked† by coworkers (2007). In some cases, men working in a majority female office may be subject to unprovoked jokes pertaining to men or the male sexual anatomy around the break room, water cooler, or via forwarded emails. This is considered male sexual harassment. Fear of retaliation and mocking may prompt men to not file a complaint. An argument of retaliation is discussed by Tahmincioglu (2007) as the first ever court case involving sexual harassment of a man in the workplace was in 1995. The EEOC sued Domino Pizza after a female supervisor of a male store manager sexually harassed him and then fired him. â€Å"She would caress his shoulders and neck, and pinched his buttocks,† the EEOC said in a statement. The case went to trial in Tampa and the male manager was awarded $237,000 in damages (2007). In this groundbreaking case, the male employee was retaliated against by his superior; however, he pursued his case and eventually won in the court ruling against Domino Pizza and the store manager. In comparison, the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission discloses information about a case where two male employees were subject to racial and sexual harassment by their female manager and one employee was fired out of retaliation. In the EEOC lawsuit against Austin Foam Plastics, the company was charged with violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by subjecting two African-American male employees to a sexually and racially hostile working environment and for the firing of one employee as a result of opposing and reporting the incidents. The male employees were harassed vehemently by their female manager through discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, insults, racially offensive comments and jokes, cartoons and images which denigrated African-Americans. The EEOC also charged that a female manager sexually harassed male employees by subjecting them to unwelcome sexual comments and unsolicited physical contact of a sexual nature and that she conditioned more favorable terms of employment on acquiescence to her sexual advances and overtures. The acts of sexual harassment, racial harassment, and retaliation all violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The lawsuit was settled in 2010 and Austin Foam Plastics pays out $600,000 in damages. The preceding case signifies the reason why employers should implement preventive strategies to minimize risks of costly litigation. If the company adheres to strict policies regarding the development and auditing of its management team, some complaints may be avoided. In the article Sexual Harassment in the Workplace written by Karina L. Schrengohst, Esq. , the author indicates that the supervisor has a significant role in prevention. Schrengohst employs information from Massachusetts state statutes regarding sexual harassment in the workplace: â€Å"Massachusetts law and federal law prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers have an obligation to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment before it arises and to create a harassment-free workplace. Toward this end, supervisors play an important role in identifying, preventing, and reporting sexual harassment. And in Massachusetts, supervisors have even more incentive to be vigilant because they can be held individually liable for inaction when they have knowledge of sexual harassment but fail to act† (2011). There are two types of sexual harassment: (1) quid-pro-quo harassment, and (2) hostile-work-environment harassment which are detailed by Schrengohst: â€Å"Quid-pro-quo harassment occurs when an employee’s submission to or rejection of sexual advances, requests, or conduct impacts a condition of his or her employment such as receiving or being denied a raise, a promotion or demotion, continued employment or termination, or a change of duties, hours, or compensation. Hostile-work-environment harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances, requests, or conduct are severe and pervasive enough to alter an employee’s working conditions or to interfere with work performance† (2011). The author discusses the necessity of â€Å"preventative steps† in the workplace to avoid such sexual harassment cases. Although most employers have written policies regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, enforcement and dissemination of these policies remains another area of discussion. Schrengohst also details the sexual harassment policies as listed by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination: â€Å"A statement that sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful;A definition and examples of sexual harassment; A reporting procedure, with several individuals identified as authorized to receive complaints;A statement of potential consequences for employees who are found to have committed sexual harassment;A statement that it is unlawful to retaliate against an employee who has complained about sexual harassment, filed a lawsuit, or participated in an investigation;Information about state and federal employment-discrimination enforcement agencies.This policy should be presented to all new employees at the start of employment and posted in the workplace. The policies for sexual harass ment are clearly written; however, a strict policy of training employees and management on the rigors of sexual harassment in the workplace must be employed. Discussion Employment law is a complex, ever-evolving specialty in the practice of law. Employees are well advised to seek competent professional legal advice when an employment law issue arises. Employment Law has many strict deadlines as it pertains to filing of claims, as such, it is imperative for employees to assert their rights as soon as possible. Oftentimes, it is advisable to seek legal representation before the adverse employment action occurs, such as, while the employee is still employed with the employer. Discrimination is one of the most prominent complaints handled by the EEOC. Each State, as a sovereign entity, is entitled to give additional protections for discrimination than those afforded by Federal Regulations. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination, which includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. The federal and state level jurisdictions instituted anti-retaliation provisions which prevent an employer from retaliating against an employee for filing a sexual discrimination case. In quoting the definition of â€Å"Sexual Harassment† as listed on the EEOC website: â€Å"It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include â€Å"sexual harassment† or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Harassment does not have to be of a sexual ature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general. Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex. Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not ver y serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted). The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer. † Conclusion Because many unusual laws exist and there are many requirements exclusions, it is imperative that an employee who believes they have been wronged, or an employer seeking to comply with all employment laws, to seek the advice of competent counsel. In addition to the governmentally enacted laws, the employment relationship may be governed by written contracts (so long as the clauses do not violate inalienable rights). The employer and employee both share rights when a sexual harassment case is filed. If well-documented and filed in a timely manner, each sexual harassment case must be taken seriously.References:BARRON, L. G. (2009). SEXUAL ORIENTATION EMPLOYMENT ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION AND HIRING DISCRIMINATION AND PREJUDICE. Academy Of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1-6. doi:10. 5465/AMBPP. 2009. 44243452 Leighton, P. , ; Wynn, M. (2011). Classifying Employment Relationships—More Sliding Doors or a Better Regulatory Framework?. Industrial Law Journal, 40(1), 5-44. MSNBC. msn. com, by Eve Tahmincioglu, http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/19536167/ns/business-careers/t/male-sexual-harassment-not-joke/#. T0z7OPWyFEM www. eeoc. gov, http://www. eeoc. gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/10-15-10a. cfm Posthuma, R. A. , Roehling, M. V. , ; Campion, M. A. (2011). Employment discrimination law exposures for international employers. International Journal Of Law ; Management, 53(4), 281-298. doi:10. 1108/17542431111147792